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Big problems(stole money ) in usa companies caused by darkweb, MS or their data leak; (owner died) estate sales leaking hole
2024/08/30 15:51
I found out our related companies auto switched back to our old userID/passwords.

this year ATT-Yahoo declared if cant login that because data leak so they reset and users need to change new password. due to our informations also exposed in dark web so we changed companies related to us accounts. the very weird thing happened that after MS updated and stole lots my data files. the next time when i logined the new userID/passwords not recognized but back to old userID/passwords.

Today we just received spouse company letter about RMD with 10% pay to taxes that spouse couple years ago already changed to 0% and also updated our current phone number(same problem as this time). i cant but try to login the website which requested reset password and failed.. so called the company the man cant solve, i requested him to verify our phone number in their system that showed 331208xxxx and spouse told me it was when he still worked for the company before 2015 (retired), and 4? years ago he contacted the company changed to our current phone number again and had no problem login. we thoght problem was solved.

so why such problem happned the 3rd time, will it happen in the future whenever we didnt frequently login, what if spouse cant make a call ?

the whole fuck system caused by companies, MS do bad jobs(system updating, data maintainess, data leak...) they wont notify till users/clients got problems.
ps 8/30/2024 spouse spent the whole day called and they didnt know whats going on, finally a lady mentioned not firefox nor MS Edge but other browser. The good news she told there is another client also got same problem. usually once RMD began clients hardly login unless made a change like the taxes percentage or email/address/phone number...
if we didnt receive the letter we wont know till too late. i told spouse must verify this year tax filing because he told me 0% and didnt receive the company 1099 form. we might can get overpay tax money refund(10%=$40-$50). ps very likely not worth at all dealing with Devil IRS. However it proved what i said usa companies wont notify you until users/clients suffer they made problems.

8/31/2024 finally caught the company stole money that 2019 0101-0331 statement i made copy on 08132018 was $10210.50, and then 8/30/2024 finally solved login problem so i download from company website history statements, lucky me caught the same period statement showed $10191.17 that is stole $19.33. unfortunately many data files disappeared.
not sure when the stole money event began. the only reason i can think of is we did change invest option A100% then B20%, A80% then A80% ->A 100% , B 0% (need to verify if can find papers to prove). the company must data lost cant 100% recover or just stole money from clients. the 1st company i caught is Charter One (deleted history transactions then sold to UsBank (still has same problem), the 3rd bank also has same issued. frquently i found many companies auto delete my data files cant but re-download repeatedly, i knew they did bad things changed data as the one just caught and saved (will print out as evidence).
as far as i know usa most banks related APP from Indo.
didnt usa know millions bugs but blame foreign hackers stole money ? i bet usa companies knew especially i did call Charter one over l0 times (then branch shut down, sold out) before 2013(only one data file left in my HD 2011 0811-0913 statement, others were maliciously disappeared/stolen). the bugs never be solved same as MS.
ps 9/1/2024 spouse cant login so i told him what i saw the weird things and worry new user ID/password and Standard ID/password might be stolen by redirect to Goddady-related. it turned out the company website doing updated caused login problems not else stolen passwords(i hope). i tried to upload the statement dowloaded in 2018 which different from their current system. the more scare thing happened that i renamed 2018 statement filename as xxx-copy.txt the amount auto changed to the system current amount even in my HD the xxx-copy.txt, finally i found a way it didnt be changed but got "Unable to continue" error message.
--such auto changed data proved what i saw other companies in front my face can auto changed/modified/replaced my HD data files.
we also received previous owners mail, both died before we bought the house(in 2013), showed : ILL state requires us(BNY) to notify you that your property may be transfered to the custody of the state treasurer if you do not contact us before 9/6/2024. ps Bank of NY 800-4338191

the similar letter we received before, i did call (different company? who tried to collect our house) and posted in my blog (udn and mylib) earlier. Again, no one knew how to stop such endless threaton mails. why the couple died before 2013 still their money/house related companies didnt verify their clients house already sold in 2013 as estate sales ? we did hire agent who verified the house had no problem and safe to buy.

ps An estate sale is a sale, liquidation or auction of someones personal property after the person dies. a third-party company handle an estate sale. And ILL state/township/county must know. At least hospital, police dept and ILL state estate sale must have the death certificates and records. so whats the leaks and why we should suffer?

the wife died earlier than husband, they had 3? adopted daughters but banned out and disallowed their grandson visited. however our previous old lady neighbour told me she still saw the boy frequently came by after we moved in.

ps i sent email to "" as: "worry BNY and other companies transferred our property to the custody of the state treasurer"

we received a letter from BNY (800-433-8191) about previous owners (Milton V Johnson & Charlotte M Johnson both died before we bought the house in 2013) that saying : ILL state requires us to notify you that your property may be transfered to the custody of the state treasurer if you do not contact us before 9/6/2024.
the problem is we did call the company (2023?) and informed the couple died before 2013. we did hire house agent and lawyer(attorney) who told us no worry, the house was safe to buy. should we worry bad things happen to us in the future ? shouldnt state treasurer or BNY can verify we are the current legal owners and the couple died already in stead continue scare us ? should we just ignore any similar mails ? Any way to stop endless threaton mails ? Thanks.

ps 8/30/2024 most time i would just threw away previous owners mails but sometimes opened by not pay attention. i remember a company every year sent the positive balance (some kind investment-like) and charged the certain amount service fee. last several times it became minus then warned to collect the house. so i called. it stop till this year. Dont remember ever received from BNY. could it be fraud mail or some one used the couple names and address. i did read several news about victims suddenly lost their house without reason by auction. we also received Edward hospital fee collected letters that our old house previous owner family (from Indo) after moved out years later used our house address registered in hospital during Bush wars and very likely they lost jobs. Scared me to the death and called the hospital many times to solve it.
2012? we also got huge medical debt because insurance company, hospital told wrong rules or from in network became out of network wont notify us, we were forced to pay whatever hospital charges.
in usa you have to be very carefully any money/house related that caused by masters endless wars and even Obama fordable health insurance caused some insurance company fell down and made a mess. Always pity patients paied ridiculous fee not covered by fell down insurance company or doctors/hospitals cut off the relation to insurance company.
mother fuck masters wars did nothing good to usa people and the world, all of them.
专家称 加沙婴儿患上脊髓灰质炎病毒 与疫苗接种运动的失误有关 时间: 2024-08-29 11:12:17
一直在监测小儿麻痹症爆发情况的科学家说,这名婴儿的病情表明,世界卫生组织(World Health Organization)及其合作伙伴在全球范围内解决严重问题的努力出现失败,尽管他们的根除小儿麻痹症运动在很大程度上取得了成功,几乎消灭了这种传染性很强的疾病。另外,专家起草的一份报告认为,世卫组织的努力失败了,是“一次严重的挫折”。
哥伦比亚大学病毒学家拉卡涅罗(Vincent Racaniello)说:“这是一个非常可怕的策略。” 他没有参与该报告或世界卫生组织。“改变疫苗的决定是基于一个错误的假设,结果是现在我们有更多的脊髓灰质炎病例和更多的瘫痪儿童。”
报告总结说,该移除计划导致43个国家爆发了与疫苗修改有关的脊髓灰质炎疫情,导致3300多名儿童瘫痪。 编译:
--very sadly, but why would masters care who are so busy in their bloody wars benefits.
they are monsters not human beings and very cold heart. i even suspect whether 以色列 spread the 脊髓灰质炎病毒 to make sure 巴勒斯坦 kids all are 瘫痪, so they cant become terrorists-so-called ever. could be masters labs in 乌克兰 create the 脊髓灰质炎病毒 so can make huge money to pay huge debts ?

脊髓灰质炎 急性传染病

