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2025/01/23 10:14


「今天我宣佈,我將創建『外國收入局』(EXTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE),來徵收我們的關稅、費用以及所有來自外國的收入。我們將開始對那些從貿易中賺錢的人徵稅,他們終於會開始支付自己應該承擔的公平份額。2025年1月20日將成為外國收入局的誕生日。讓美國再次偉大!」

▲碧桂園(Country Garden)


「世界首富」(即最大假美金洗錢者) 馬斯克警告美面臨破產風險,除非採取「重大且即刻」的行動來應對日益增加的聯邦債務與政府開支。
前華爾街經紀人曼德爾(Ross Mandell)是眾多指出洛杉磯太平洋棧道火災是計劃性事件的人之一。他說:
「3個月前,大型保險公司州立農場(State Farm)恰好取消了所有人的火災保險,因為州長決定不允許州立農場提高價格。所以現在人人沒有保險。你認為這是偶然發生的嗎?」
是的,黑岩的拉里芬克(Larry Fink)確實是世界經濟論壇董事會成員。

加州州長蓋文紐森(Gavin Newsom)正進行新的彈劾審判。在洛杉磯野火災難後,要求將他罷免的人表示,他的執政是「一連串災難性的錯誤」。
說到虛構案件,玻利維亞前總統莫拉萊斯(Evo Morales)被指控在2015年擔任總統期間強暴一名15歲少女,並在隔年生下一名孩子,根據玻利維亞法律屬於強暴。這些指控可判處10至15年徒刑。
目前,有關要員被勒索而強姦、殺害和吃掉兒童的資訊越來越受歡迎。沒有人再注意他們所控制的媒體的謊言。以《華盛頓郵報》為例,自2021年以來,該報的讀者幾乎減少了 9成。每日觀眾從拜登執政初期的2250萬人,減少到2024年的250~300萬人,每日使用者減少了2000萬人。同樣的情況也發生在他們控制的其他媒體上如CNN和MSNBC。
真正的媒體是向大多數國人報導真相。所以卡爾森(Tucker Carlson)現在報導說,5成運送到烏的武器實際上是流向黑市和墨西哥黑幫。
當詢問顧問有關液化天然氣(LNG)出口到歐洲的問題時,新聞秘書麥克強生(Mike Johnson)很快意識到這個傀儡總統與現實脫節。
喬羅根(Joe Rogan)這麼說:「有些人像比爾蓋茨這樣說,認為種樹來應對(二氧化碳)是荒謬的。」


另一失敗的世界經濟論壇大騙局是大力推動通過宣揚非繁殖性肛交來減少人口。以下是國會議員瑪喬麗(Marjorie Taylor Greene)對於禁止男性參與女性運動的立法發表的評論:「如果你們想成為支持這種荒謬行為的政黨,我們會選你們。」

奧巴馬替身與羅伯森(Michael Robertson/下身大屌的那個)離婚。五角大樓消息評論道:「完美的時機。」

我們還注意到,被戀童癖者勒索的英國首相斯塔默未受邀請,而改革黨領袖法拉奇(Nigel Farage)卻受邀。德聯邦總統肖茲也未受邀請,但可能「極右」的德選項黨(AfD)領袖艾莉絲(Alice Weidel)受邀請。歐盟委員會主席馮德萊恩也未受邀。
在字裏行間,老蓋提到了小兒麻痺症和HIV,以及在他與特朗普的「3小時對話」中提到的加速推廣新冠疫苗。曾與小兒麻痺疫苗開發者索爾克(Jonas Salk)合作的范德米爾(Michael van de Meer)告訴我,美軍在德特里克堡收到了20萬隻非洲綠猴的血液,這些猴子是索爾克團隊用來對抗HIV的。後來添加到在非洲和海地施打的小兒麻痺疫苗中。計劃是消除非洲國籍。我懷疑老蓋試圖通過威脅揭露這一點來勒索美軍,以換取保護。但他不會得逞。
【原文】Benjamin Fulford Weekly Report, Jan 20, 2025
《Now that Trump takes power, the final battle for the planet earth begins》
Today Donald Trump formally takes power and this will trigger the final battle for the planet Earth. To win Donald Trump must nationalize the Federal Reserve Board and end its』 system of Babylonian debt slavery. The future of our species is at stake. If we lose this battle, we will spend all eternity in the human equivalent of chicken factory farms. If we win, we will be able to choose our own futures according to our dreams and desires.
Here is the official portrait of the man we hope will set us free: Donald Trump, the 47th President of the United States.
A Pentagon source comments: 「This looks like the real CIC Trump. He has the bluish color under his eyes. Plus his right eye is partially closed…This one of the traits of the real deal.」 
The real CIC will have a lot on his plate. CIA officials report massive terror attacks are planned for the US including suicide bombers and attacks on airliners. The illegal immigrant army is also supposed to take up arms in the fight for control of the United States and thus the world.
Since so much is at stake, it is a good time to step back and look at the big picture. Most humans, especially those in the 「civilized world」 have been slaves for so long, we do not even realize it.
In my case, when I was 17 years old, the zeitgeist in the street was that if I went to university I would be 「brainwashed and turned into a consumer.」 Since a fish does not know water exists until it jumps for the first time, I decided the best way to learn about civilization was to leave it. So, I hitchhiked my way down to the Amazon. there was a middle-class style American settlement. The people there were looking to convert uncontacted tribes into Christianity. They would fly over their villages in small planes and have arrows and spears shot at them. They dropped bags containing cooking pots, mirrors, and other accessories of civilization along with microphones. Then they would listen in on their conversations to try to learn their language. Finally, when they thought the natives were ready, they would appear in person to begin preaching. This was a process designed to turn them into slaves so that the corporations could later move in, cut down the forests, drill for oil and put the original inhabitants into shanty towns.
This is something that happened to our ancestors thousands of years ago. When I visited the P2 Freemason controllers of Western civilization, they admitted to me their version of Christianity was a religion designed to control slaves.
Getting back to the Amazon, after I arrived by boat at a Shipibo Indian settlement, I took out some Peruvian money to try to 「buy」 things from them. They reacted with disgust at this unhygienic paper -with no intrinsic value- and would have nothing to do with it. They were only interested in physical items in my possession. By contrast, Western peoples have been so brainwashed by this 「money majick」 that we will strip naked, work 80-hour weeks and otherwise degrade ourselves for this 「paper.」 Now, most money doesn』t even have paper to back it, it is just numbers inside computers.
The process of turning free people into slaves is not just restricted to money. It also involves the wholesale destruction of traditional knowledge and culture. The Shipibo shaman I studied under was heir to thousands of years of traditional knowledge about healing. He was better at healing local ailments than Western doctors and so was more popular than them. So, what did the Western doctors do? They killed him.
The owners of the Federal Reserve Board and the other central banks have been killing people like him for millennia in order to turn this planet into a giant centralized mono-culture controlled by them. Remember, 「government」 means 「control (govern) minds (ment).」
Whether people realize it or not, the election of Donald Trump is a major reaction against this ancient system of control,
So now getting back to Donald Trump. He is promising a running start with over 200 executive orders. These include:
Expelling the millions of foreign criminals illegally in the US
Ending subsidies for electric vehicles
Leaving the WHO
Imposing a 25% tariff on goods from Mexico and Canada
Granting amnesty to all the J6 political prisoners
Leaving the Paris Accords and ending restrictions on carbon
Ending the Ukraine war
Ending the occupation of Gaza
Radically overhauling the CDC, NIH and FDA
Eliminating the Department of Education
Stopping all LBGTQ propaganda
However, the big Kahuna he is expected to announce is an economic emergency. In a sign he knows what he has to do, Trump X』d the following:
「For far too long, we have relied on taxing our Great People using the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Through soft and pathetically weak Trade agreements, the American Economy has delivered growth and prosperity to the World, while taxing ourselves. It is time for that to change.」
「I am today announcing that I will create the EXTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE to collect our Tariffs, Duties, and all Revenue that come from Foreign sources. We will begin charging those that make money off of us with Trade, and they will start paying, FINALLY, their fair share. January 20, 2025, will be the birth date of the External Revenue Service. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!」
While he hints at abolishing the IRS and replacing it with tariffs, he does not mention nationalizing the Fed and issuing government money as is written in the Constitution.
That is because he needs to reach a deal with China first. The US has about a $ 1 trillion per year trade deficit with the world while the Chinese have about the same size trade surplus. Even if Trump puts a 100% tariff on Chinese goods, China would just move its factories to places like Vietnam and Mexico and the US would keep having a deficit. If Trump places 100% tariffs on the rest of the world, the US would instantly implode into a minor, isolated country.
That is why Trump has to reach a deal with China. Both Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping said they had a phone call last week about exactly this.
Xi said, 「China-U.S. ties will have a good start in the new U.S. presidential term, and stand ready to push China-U.S. relations to make greater progress from a new starting point.」
Trump wrote, 「The call was a very good one for both China and the USA…It is my expectation that we will solve many problems together, and start immediately. We discussed balancing Trade, Fentanyl, TikTok, and many other subjects.」 「President Xi and I will do everything possible to make the World more peaceful and safe!」 Trump continued.
Asian Secret Society and Pentagon sources say a fundamental deal has been agreed to in which the Chinese will agree to forgive all US debts in exchange for the American people being given a more accurate understanding of China. There was also an agreement to build more factories in the US, in order to end the US trade deficit.
Both sides are appointing experts to work out the details over the coming months, the sources say.
There can be no doubt both the US and China need a fundamental reset.
China is facing a property crisis that with mathematical certainty will destroy its current financial system. It is identical in structure to the crisis in Japan from the early 1990s that saw commercial real estate prices fall 90%.
All main Chinese Property Construction Companies were in the news this week:
Country Garden
Just like in Japan, they were able to cover the cracks for 5 years before the whole system blew up.
China is now experiencing a complete financial crash. China』s 10-year govt bonds yield 1.65%, their 『policy overnight rate』 sits at 1.5%, their real estate collapse continues (Vanke 2025 bonds collapsing this week), and the overnight rate just spiked to 16%. Complete disaster for Xi.
Markets don』t lie. When your bond yields drop below policy rates while property bonds collapse, it signals deep structural problems. Xi』s economic challenges in 2025 are just beginning to surface.
Property accounts for about 70% of all Chinese assets so the collapse is threatening communist party rule. In a sign China is close to civil war, over 80 Chinese billionaires have already been arrested recently. In the latest Zhu Jiusheng, CEO of Vanke, one of China』s biggest property firms, was 「taken away」 by police.
China has tried to cover up its real estate woes by building huge manufacturing capabilities. China now produces 31% of all the world』s manufactured goods, more than the next 9 countries combined including the US, Japan, Germany, the UK, etc.
The problem is the rest of the world has now been saturated with Chinese goods and many, many countries are erecting trade barriers against China. Overcapacity also means prices of Chinese goods are plunging and many factories are losing money.
The US, of course, is in even worse shape. As the St. Louis Fed and many prominent economists point out, the US has about $250 trillion in debts and unfunded liabilities like pensions and social security.
As the character in the Ernest Hemingway novel, when asked how he went bankrupt put it 「gradually, and then suddenly.」
In a sign something big is cooking financially, Treasury and other law enforcement officials told lawmakers Wednesday that Chinese hackers gained access to more than 3,000 unclassified agency files.
According to Asian Secret Society sources, the hack was carried out by the NSA who randomly inserted Chinese text to make it look like a 「Chinese hack.」 NSA sources say they are planning to seize control of the dollar printing machinery for Donald Trump.
That is needed because, in her last official act, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen warned the US will hit its debt ceiling one day after Trump』s inauguration.
The 「world』s richest man」 (ie biggest money launderer of fake US dollars) Elon Musk warns the US is at risk of bankruptcy unless 「major and immediate」 action is taken to address government spending amid mounting federal debt.
The same P2 Freemasons who use Musk as their avatar are saying President-elect Donald Trump launched Trump the so-called meme coin — a digital token with no intrinsic real-world value- on Friday, sparking a feverish buying that apparently sent its market capitalization soaring to several billion dollars. There also issuing a dogecoin [Pronounced Dodgy].
Trump is also supposedly going to establish a strategic Bitcoin reserve.
This is nothing more than the P2 Freemasons trying to keep their 「money majick」 scheme going. Remember all crypto-currencies have an agency back door and they can grab your money whenever they want to.
That is why Trump is expected to announce an economic emergency almost immediately after taking power. He will, in concert with Xi, preside over some sort of jubilee-type reset of the global financial system.
Trump is also expected to address the billionaires and trillionaires gathering at the Davos World Economic Forum in Switzerland this week to discuss 「geopolitical shocks」 among other things.
The real thing these people will want to hear from Donald Trump is what the Western military white hats have in store for them. The head of MI6 points out that the WEF is basically a gathering place for the 700 people who control the boards of 90% of the world』s transnational corporations. 「From a military point of view it would not be difficult to deal with them,」 he says.
What is clear from the disasters in China and the US is that their economic governance must end.
The Los Angeles arson is a case in point. The WEF points to these fires as a reason to pump out money to fight 「climate change.」 The truth is they set these fires.
Former Wall Street broker Ross Mandell is among many who say the Los Angeles Pacific Palisades fires were planned.
「I』m gonna shock you. People from BlackRock are going door to door offering to buy homes. — This is highly organized」
「You think this happened by accident? The dams have been emptied by Governor Newsom for no good reason. The hydrants are empty for no good reason.」
「Three months ago, State Farm, the big insurer in LA, just happened to cancel everybody』s fire policies because the governor decided not to allow State Farm to increase their prices. So people now have no insurance. Do you think this happened by accident?」
「BlackRock is going door to door, making offers now for cash generous. They want to take everybody』s homes. This is the business they』re in. It』s not a secret. This has been highly organized」
And yes, BlackRock』s Larry Fink sits on the board of the WEF.
They already know well in advance what is coming soon. They were talking about these fires back in 2018.
We now know that they use a blue laser to start fires, and that blue objects reflect it so they dont burn. More fires are likely planned. Check out this aerial view of the Church of Scientology in San Jacinto, California, 85 miles from Los Angeles. Note the blue roofs and trim.
This time, however, they wont get away with it: Homeowners and renters who lost their properties in the devastating Los Angeles wildfires have filed a lawsuit against Edison (electric company) of Southern California.
A new impeachment trial is underway for Gavin Newsom as California governor. Supporters of his removal from office after the devastating Los Angeles fires call his tenure a 「series of catastrophic mistakes.」
The Los Angeles wildfires are expected to be the costliest natural disaster in U.S. history. Damage is estimated at $275 billion, and American taxpayers will have to foot the bill.
Of course, its not just about arson and land grabbing. Now even Russian media is reporting on it:
What could be hiding in the basements of luxury apartments in Los Angeles? Are you burning secrets that the Trump administration plans to investigate in order to destroy the「deep state」? We are talking about cases of pedophilia, sexual abuse of disenfranchised illegal immigrants, the sale of their organs, ritual murders, as well as activities to fabricate cases against Trump and attempts to organize a military coup.
Speaking of fabricated cases, former Bolivian President Evo Morales is accused of raping a 15-year-old girl in 2015 while he was president and fathering a child the following year, which would be rape under Bolivian law. The charges carry a prison sentence of 10 to 15 years.
So they want to send Morales to prison for 15 years for fathering a child by a minor but sexually mature girl – with the consent of her and her parents. Not that we agree with that, but for comparison, they refuse to charge American high-ranking officials with the rape and murder of prepubescent children.
An example of unpunished VIP crimes is the video below, which shows the FBI discovering a large amount of human remains at a McDonalds meat supplier without charging those involved. (September 2024)
Currently, information about VIPs being blackmailed into raping, killing, and eating children is gaining popularity. No one pays attention to the lies of the media they control anymore. The Washington Post, for example, has lost almost 90% of its readers since 2021. The daily audience has decreased from 22.5 million at the beginning of Bidens administration to 2.5-3 million in 2024, which is a 20 million drop in daily users. The same is happening with other media they control, such as CNN and MSNBC.
The real media is reporting the truth to the majority of the American population. So Tucker Carlson is now reporting that 50% of the weapons sent to Ukraine were actually going to the black market and to Mexican cartels.
Furthermore, I doubt even 10% of Americans believe that Joe Biden was actually President of the United States. As Infowars reports:
Press Secretary Mike Johnson quickly realized that the puppet president was out of touch when he asked his advisor about LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas) exports to Europe.
「Sir, why did you stop exporting LNG to Europe? Liquefied natural gas is in high demand among our allies. 『Why would you do that?』」 Johnson recalled asking Biden.
Biden, Johnson said, was「stunned」and said,「I didnt do it.」
People are also realizing that the WEFs drive for green energy is just a huge greed for money that is actually anti-life.
Heres what Joe Rogan says: 「There are people like Bill Gates who say its absurd to plant trees to deal with [carbon dioxide].」
「How can this be funny? They literally turn carbon dioxide into oxygen. Thats their food.」
「And the more carbon dioxide, the greener it is, which is why the Earth is as green today as it has been in the last 100 years.」
People are waking up and stopping buying electric cars. In Germany, sales of new electric cars fell by 27.5% last year. This is because the manipulations of Rockefeller and Biden are forcing Germans to buy their expensive LNG. Energy prices in Germany are among the most expensive in the world, and Germanys electricity supply has become more unstable than ever. Germany is currently in a rapidly developing deindustrialization spiral.
Wind energy is another example of WEFs failed policies. Trump says:
Windmills are an economic and environmental disaster. I would not like to see one built during my term. Thousands of inactive and damaged wind turbines should be removed as soon as possible. The most expensive energy, powered only by huge government subsidies that we will no longer pay!
In the photo below, you can see a bulldozer burying windmill blades that are used to produce 「green energy.」 These blades need to be disposed of, and there is currently no way to dispose of them.
Another major WEF scam that is failing in its own right is their massive push to reduce our population by promoting non-reproductive anal sex. Here』s what Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene had to say about the long-overdue legislation banning men from participating in women』s sports:
「And if you want to be the party that supports this absolute nonsense, we will elect you.」
Of course, now you know this goes back to Barack Obama, Bidens puppeteer, who was married to a man. The Daily Mail reports:「Michelle Obama did not attend Jimmy Carters funeral and will not attend Trumps inauguration.」
Avatar Obama and Michael Robertson (with the dangling one below the belt) are getting divorced.「Perfect timing,」a Pentagon source commented.
According to our sources, Robertson wanted to tell the world that he was actually a man in womens clothing and may have been gagged.
We also note that British Prime Minister Keir Starmer, who was blackmailed by paedophiles, was not invited, while Reform Party leader Nigel Farage was. German Federal President Olaf Scholz was also not invited, but perhaps the 「far-right」 AfD leader Alice Weidel was. European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen was also not invited. More importantly, neither Ukrainian dictator Volodymyr Zelensky nor Israeli mass murderer Benjamin Netanyahu were invited. It is expected that the uninvited will be removed in the near future.
And, of course, many heads will be rolling in the U.S. as well. You can find the list here:
We also expect the overthrow of many oligarchs. The most important person to pay attention to is Bill Gates, who was on the verge of turning his WHO into a dictatorial, self-controlling world government through a fake pandemic.
Gates – or the people who use his image to project power – just released a video in which he claims to have had a three-hour conversation with Donald Trump.
Reading between the lines, Gates mentioned polio and HIV, as well as the accelerated rollout of Covid vaccines during his 「three-hour conversation with Trump.」 Dr. Michael van de Meer, who worked with Jonas Salk, the developer of the polio vaccine, told me that the US military at Fort Detrick received the blood of 200,000 African green monkeys that Salk』s team used to fight HIV. It was then added to the polio vaccines administered in Africa and Haiti. The plan was to eliminate African nationality. I suspect Gates is trying to blackmail the US military by threatening to reveal this in exchange for protection. He won』t get it.
In the latest sign of the approaching wall, AfD chairwoman Alice Weidel vows to 「hold to account」 those who suppressed opinions in the corona era, given the 「many deaths from vaccines and people with side effects from vaccines.」
We also expect people to be held accountable for the mass killings in Israel and Ukraine. In a sign that justice has been served, outgoing US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken was interrupted at his final press conference:
「Have you been compromised by Israel? What is it like when your legacy is genocide?」
This week there is a sign that we are truly entering unusual times as six planets, including Uranus, will align in the sky over the next few days. I can already see them in the night sky. What worries me about this news is that last year when Uranus appeared in the sky, the news said we wouldnt see it again for 84 years. Now the planets are aligned. The ancient secret societies tell us that the planets control us, so maybe this is indeed a celestial sign.
