2024/12/12 13:14
上週,俄羅斯外交部長拉夫羅夫(Sergei Lavrov)前往馬耳他參與歐洲安全與合作組織(OSCE)的外長理事會會議。OSCE 是歐各國的最終軍事集會場所,擁有來自歐、中亞和北美的57個成員國。
在同一場會議中,土耳其外交部長西尼爾里奧盧(eridun Sinirlioglu)被任命為OSCE的秘書長或主席。
顯示可薩暴徒屈服的信號是,假特朗普在推特上寫道: 「美不應介入(土在敘的行動)。這不是我們的戰鬥,讓它自然發展,別插手!」
當叛軍闖入阿薩德的弟弟、精英第4裝甲師指揮官馬赫爾(Maher al-Assad)的住所時,發現了巨大的地下隧道。
根據我們在軍情六處和其他地方消息證實,目前發生的事情是賽克斯-皮科協定(Sykes-Picot agreement)的結束,此協定曾將奧斯曼帝國劃分為今天在中東所見的巴爾干化的各國。我們聽說,以色列和埃及將在敘之後成為下個倒下的國家。可能最終會蔓延到摩洛哥,並吞併沙地和海灣國家。
假特朗普在攬功,聲稱自己對比特幣突破10萬美元的歷史性漲幅負有責任。他於9月推出自己的加密平台,並在他的社交媒體帳號《真相社交》(Truth Social)上寫道:
我們正見證一場看似顯著的『草根運動』(Astroturf)活動,目的是說服聯邦及州政府啟動大規模的比特幣(BTC)購買計劃,並利用納稅人的資金及日益增加的國債來購買比特幣,將其列入政府的資產負債表。根據凱瑟琳(Catherine Austin Fitts)的說法,這將解決比特幣億萬富翁的主要問題;如何在市場不夠廣泛且不夠深厚的情況下,將自己的資產變現,避免進場時引發大幅波動。
摩薩德評論道:「在那段影片中,盧特尼克(Howard Lutnick)幾乎是邊流口水邊說。好像品嚐到美味的數兆美元一般...這很明顯。喔哦,他是另一錫安主義者,沒什麼好看的。」他是由海湖莊園的假特朗普選中,擔任商務部長...與馬斯克一起創建DOGE...政府效率部。
陰謀集團正試圖從比特幣中獲取資金,因為他們在烏的洗錢活動已被停止。發言人約翰遜(Mike Johnson)表示,在拜登政府下,將不會有新的資金進入烏。
據報導,拜登也考慮對特朗普所列陰森國度名單上的人物包括亞當希夫、莉茲切尼(Liz Cheney)和福奇進行預防性赦免。
美政府還試圖推動HB 737法案,這是一項2024年的法案,將使農藥製造商免於因毒害國人而受罰。
任命帕特爾(Kash Patel)為FBI局長,這個誓言追究特朗普批評者責任的人,已讓總統內圈成員感到不安。
亨特拜登和約翰克里的繼子海因茨(Christopher Heinz)。RSTP的投資組合包括《Metabiota》。Metabiota與福奇密切合作,在烏開發生物武器。
除了對知名罪犯的赦免,還有其他人似乎在試圖逃脫。《UnitedHealthcare》的CEO湯普森(Brian Thompson)似乎在套現所有的股票期權並偽造自己的死亡,因為他將被迫作證,揭露他公司在新冠死亡中扮演的巨大角色。
陰謀集團仍試圖通過殺掉我們來逃避制裁。在這裏,神經病醫生霍特茲(Peter Hotez)威脅我們,稱「1月21日將發生重大事件」,並隨後列出將「降臨特朗普政府」的幾個事件:
看來,陰謀集團在天氣戰領域的罪行也將被揭露。飛馬營(FEMA)的行為極其可疑,奧基夫(James OKeefe)正調查對北卡羅來納州海倫颶風的應對。飛馬營員工「立刻把他們的徽章轉過來」,以便無法被識別。與此同時,一名飛馬營告密者承認「官僚機構沒有幫助需要幫助的人」。
陰謀集團還繼續對白盔組織發起暗殺企圖。前美陸軍軍官、長期擔任《Press TV》分析師的班尼特(Scott Bennett)在53歲時去世。RT媒體集團總編輯瑪格麗塔(Margarita Simonyan)表示:「2個星期前他還健康得很。突然間,毫無原因地死於癌症,而根據他許多朋友的證詞,他從未患過癌症。」
在法國,政府於上週崩潰,該國現在處於等待狀態。根據法情報來源,法現在由羅氏讓米歇爾(Jean-Michel de Rothschild)統治,他向世界自稱為布麗吉特(Brigitte Macron)。馬克龍在2年前已掛掉,現在由虛擬替身代表。消息補充道,這一點可通過觀察耳朵來證實。無論如何,根據消息,讓米歇爾的健康狀況不佳,因此法政權正尋找新的領導人。一名近讓米歇爾的消息人表示:「過渡政府的船已停泊在船塭,將在2月或3月出海。」根據該消息,這一切是由假特朗普安排的,他上週訪問了法國。
顯示美軍也支持更換首相斯塔默(Keir Starmer)的跡象顯示,基於斯塔默曾遭到戀童癖者勒索,國情局發言人馬斯克準備給法拉奇(Nigel Farage)1億美元,讓他成為下一任首相,並摧毀斯塔默。
當然,歐洲3個最大國家的政權更替也意味現有歐盟的結束。意味着歐盟最高的撒旦權威、歐洲委員會主席馮德萊恩的日子已屈指可數。在這裏,可以看到來自波蘭的艾娃(Ewa Zajonczkowska-Hernik)直言不諱地告訴女巫馮德萊恩,正是我們所有人對她和她那巫術計劃的看法。
然而,正如羅馬尼亞的事件所示,鬥爭還沒有結束。那裏正進行一場權力鬥爭,獨立候選人卡林(Calin Georgescu)被撒旦教徒奪走了勝選結果。
【原文】Benjamin Fulford Weekly Report, Dec 9, 2024
《Western version of the fall of the Soviet Union now undeniable》
Sometimes, a decade’s worth of news can happen in a single week. Last week was such a week. What is happening is a Western version of the collapse of the Soviet Union. Regimes are falling in Germany, France, the US, the UK, Japan, South Korea etc. In the coming weeks and months, many countries are likely to cease to exist, including South Korea, Iraq, Syria, Saudi Arabia etc.
In fact, in a way what we are witnessing is the collapse of the Western Roman Empire after close to 3000 years of existence.
Let us look at what happened. Last week Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov went to Malta for a Foreign Ministers Council meeting of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE). The OSCE is the ultimate military gathering place of the European race. It has 57 member States from Europe, Central Asia and North America.
This is the first time Lavrov has visited an EU country since the war began in Ukraine. He was there to meet the Knights of Malta, who are the heirs to the Roman Empire or Western military-industrial complex. There he called for “The creation of a pan-Eurasian architecture, open to all countries of the continent and reflecting a new, polycentric world order that will secure a reliable future for the countries and peoples of this region.”
At this same meeting Turkish Foreign Minister Feridun Sinirlioglu was made Secretary General or Chairman of the OSCE.
The next day Turkey invaded Syria.
It is clear that Turkey and Russia presented NATO and the US with an ultimatum. Since Europe would not be able to defend itself for more than a few days against a combined Russian and Turkish attack, they had no choice but to back down.
A CIA source confirms, saying “The Lavrov meeting with OSCE in Malta was more a show of force by Putin. There were a few discussions on the sidelines. Bottom line a red line was drawn by Russia to NATO and the US: ‘time to end the Ukraine laundry service and all that goes with it.’”
In a sign the Khazarian Mafia caved, the fake Donald Trump tweeted:
There is plenty in the news to confirm this is a combined Turkish/Russian power play. For one thing “the jihadists who toppled President Bashar Assad’s government in Syria have guaranteed the security of Russia’s military bases and diplomatic outposts in the country, a Kremlin source has reportedly told the TASS news agency.”
When rebels entered the residence of Maher al-Assad, Bashar’s younger brother and commander of the elite 4th Armoured Division, they discovered massive underground tunnels inside.
The question is, where is the cash that was stashed in the black suitcases? As this video of people in his home shows, Assad left the people some crumbs. However, CIA sources say Assad took more than $75 Billion in gold, gems, titles to properties and cash to finance his exile in Moscow.
Turkish President Recep Erdogan says “Now, there are only two [experienced] leaders in the world. They are myself and Vladimir Putin. I am not saying this because one of them is me. But I have been in office for 22 years, nearly as long as Mr. Putin. The rest are gone. And we want our dialogue to continue. It is important to continue politics. For instance, politics ended in Germany when [Chancellor] Angela Merkel resigned.”
Many people in the West mistakenly think this was an Israeli operation. The KM even put out a video of the Avatar Benyamin Satanyahu taking credit. Nothing could be further from the truth. Erdogan is saying “We must hold Israel accountable for its atrocities and genocide.”
Israel admits its strategy of ethnic cleansing for the purpose of clearing land for Israelis to live in, using the Nazi German word “lebensraum.”
Erdogan will see that these Nazis face justice.
Erdogan says Syria has had enough wars and that the Syrian people deserve freedom, security, and peace in their homeland. He adds history will record how his country successfully passed the test of humanity “despite all contrary propaganda.”
Our own sources in MI6 and elsewhere confirm what is happening is the end of the Sykes-Picot agreement that divided the Ottoman Empire into the balkanized group of countries we now see in the Middle East. We are hearing that Israel and Egypt are next in line to fall after Syria. This could possibly end up going all the way to Morocco as well as gobble up Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States.
Our Iranian sources confirm they are now negotiating new borders with Turkey, meaning some sort of revival of the Persian and Ottoman empires is taking place. “The two treaties of Golestan and Torkemanchay which took away 18 caucus cities from Iran are fake and have no validity. Foreigners wrote, stamped, and signed both treaties without any Iranian involvement,” the sources say.
The Middle East is not the only place where borders are going to be redrawn and countries are going to disappear.
It looks like the agreement between East and West to create a council of seven regions to deal with issues affecting the entire planet is unfolding.
Sources from the Asian secret society contacted the White Dragon Society last week and said that they had confirmed the validity of contacts with the Pentagon, the Vatican, Russia and the British Commonwealth. Meetings are now taking place at the highest levels of power in Asia. There seems to be a divide between hardliners who want China to dominate the entire planet and moderates who advocate for a polycentric world.
While China debates, the West continues its regime change.
For example, during a visit by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Castrudeau last week, Donald Trump suggested merging Canada with the United States.
While Trump said Canada could be the "51st state," the reality would be different. The United States of America would merge the 50 U.S. states and 16 territories with the 10 Canadian provinces and three territories. This would overtake Russia and become the worlds largest country by area. There is also talk of building a new capital from scratch, possibly in Manitoba or North Dakota.
The rest of the Western world is also bracing for major restructuring after Trump takes office on January 20.
Meanwhile, the power struggle continues in North America as the Khazarian mafia Nazis continue to fight for their own lives.
The Nazi regime in Canada, for example, knows it faces the death penalty for its actions. This evil regime in Canada is trying to force pensioners to end their lives through assisted suicide by levying massive taxes on the pensions of people who are over 75.
The same government is confiscating firearms from Canadians and sending them to the Nazis in Ukraine. They are all being hanged.
Also in the US, the KM are desperately trying to install a fake Trump to keep control. This Trump just published a delusional post full of lies:
600k Russian soldiers were not lost.
Russia and Iran are in a weakened state?
Israel and its combat successes?
China can help?
This same fake Trump is taking credit for Bitcoin’s historic rise to over $100,000. Trump, who launched his own crypto platform in September, wrote to his social media followers on Truth Social:
"CONGRATULATIONS BITCOINERS!!! $100,000!!! COME ON!!! Together we will make America great again!"
We are witnessing what appears to be a significant “Astroturf” campaign aimed at persuading federal and state governments to launch significant Bitcoin (BTC) purchase programs, using taxpayer money and funds borrowed from ever-increasing debt to fund BTC held on government balance sheets. According to Catherine Austin Fitts, this would solve the main problem for Bitcoin billionaires – how to liquidate their assets in a market that is not broad and deep enough to allow them to enter the market with a big pump.
She notes that there is a growing debate about how to use “$500 trillion in land and minerals owned by the U.S. government.”
“In the video, Lutnik is practically drooling while talking about it. He can taste trillions… Pretty obvious. O-o-o, he’s another Zionist Jew. Nothing to see here,” a Mossad source commented. He was chosen by Mar-A-Lago Trump to be Secretary of Commerce… Working with Elon Musk to create DOGE…..Department of Government Efficiency.
Of course, land and minerals cannot disappear through the back door, as happened with the Pentagons black budget technology and the missing $21 trillion.
Our CIA and NSA sources confirm that the agencies have a backdoor into Bitcoin and are inflating the price to convince idiots to put real money into this scam so they can repeat their pump and dump scam. They just increased it to over $100,000 and soon it will be like the old Zimbabwean dollar with fantastic numbers reaching trillions of dollars.
Last I heard, you cant buy things on Amazon or anywhere else with Bitcoin. Stay away.
XM is trying to get money from Bitcoin because their money laundering activities in Ukraine were stopped. Spokesman Mike Johnson says there will be no new funds for Ukraine under Biden.
The Biden administration is also reportedly considering preemptive pardons for individuals on Trumps "deep state" list, including Adam Schiff, Liz Cheney, and Anthony Fauci.
The US government is also trying to pass HSB 737, a 2024 bill that would leave pesticide manufacturers unpunished for poisoning Americans.
The appointment of Kash Patel, who has vowed to go after Trumps critics, as FBI director has spooked members of the presidents inner circle.
The pardon appears to be an attempt to push for a Truth and Reconciliation Commission to replace the war crimes trials of the Biden regime. Hunter Biden’s pardon means that his blanket immunity prohibits him from invoking the 5th Amendment, so if you call Hunter to the stand and ask him something like, “How much money did you launder through Ukraine for the big guy?” Hunter cannot invoke the 5th Amendment and will be forced to testify or go to jail for contempt of court.
Hunter Biden and Christopher Heinz, John Kerry’s stepson. RSTP’s portfolio includes Metabiota. Metabiota worked closely with Anthony Fauci on the development of biological weapons in Ukraine.
In addition to HM pardons for high-profile criminals, others appear to be trying to escape. UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson appears to be cashing in all his stock options and faking his own death because he would be forced to testify about his companys HUGE role in COVID deaths right now.
Biological warfare was also a massive money laundering operation. Did you know that the $1.7 trillion bill as of December 2022 includes $335 billion to combat the bird flu “pandemic,” including the use of “surveillance tools” against Americans?
Richard Koshimizu of the Japan Independence Party says that Bill Gates paid millions of dollars to a Japanese professor named Hamaoka to develop a variant of bird flu that could infect mammals, including humans.
Bill Gates, for his part, has come under fire on social media for calling India “a kind of testing lab” in a recent podcast. He seemed to be trying to both threaten and bribe India into granting him asylum. No one will protect you, Bill, no one.
This comes as a court orders the FDA to provide “another million pages” of documents to Pfizer about its trials of C19 injections.
HM is also still trying to escape justice by killing us. Here, psychopathic idiot Dr. Peter Hotez threatens us with “big things that will happen on January 21st” and then names the following things that will “fall upon the Trump administration”:
▲Bird flu, novel coronavirus, SARS
▲Mosquito-borne viruses, dengue fever
▲Zika virus, Oropushka virus, yellow fever, whooping cough, measles, polio
The only thing that will happen is that Hotez and his fellow bioterrorists will be brought to justice and charged with mass murder.
It looks like HMs crimes in the field of weather warfare will also be exposed. FEMA is acting in extremely questionable ways as James OKeefe investigates the response to Hurricane Helen in North Carolina. FEMA employees "immediately turned their badges around" so they could not be identified. Meanwhile, a FEMA whistleblower admits that "the bureaucracy did not help the people [in need]."
Further evidence of XM’s weather warfare: The Japanese embassy in Spain sent text alerts to Japanese citizens in Spain on October 28-30 to warn them of a weather disaster in Valencia. According to Polish intelligence, the Spanish government not only failed to warn the population about what was coming, but also did nothing for three and a half days.
Then there was a massive importation of criminals via the HM to the West. In the US, at least 400,000 known criminals and 13,000 convicted murderers crossed the border illegally during Joe Bidens presidency.
There are also countless men of military age who have entered the United States illegally with large sums of money.
The Chinese have warehouses full of American cash, which they print as a receipt for their accumulated trade surplus with the US. It makes sense that you would use this XM cash for various transactions around the world, including the US and Canada.
HM also continues to carry out assassination attempts on the White Helmets. Scott Bennett, a former US Army officer and longtime Press TV analyst, has just died at the age of 53. “Two weeks ago he was still in great shape. And suddenly, for no reason, he dies of cancer, which, according to the testimonies of his many friends, he never had,” said Margarita Simonyan, editor-in-chief of the RT media group.
In a report to the US Congress on Ukraine, Bennett wrote:
"Non-military targets are attacked, damaged or destroyed beyond repair, and civilians are deliberately killed in the process."
"He was a true patriot and a member of the White Hat Alliance. He was probably knocked out with an injection of mRNA that causes turbo cancer. It usually affects the pancreas," a Pentagon source said.
The white hats failed to prevent Bennetts assassination, but they still have time to protect a new Boeing whistleblower who says people will die for safety at their satellite plant and that the company is only after profit. Lets make sure he doesnt "commit suicide, slip in the shower and break his neck" like his fellow whistleblowers did.
The pursuit of profit without regard to human costs is a sign of a failed regime.
In yet another sign of how degraded the current regime has become, Veterans Administration employees were caught having a 12-person orgy while on duty. One of them claims to have slept with 32 of his colleagues and bragged about it in an email to the company.
Pentagon sources say the real Trump needs to force the Supreme Court to act quickly in the Brunson case to end all this unrest before January 20th, because “otherwise the United States will be finished.”
The real Trump, of course, is also active. In a new interview, he says he will pardon those involved in the January 6, 2021, Capitol storming, including those who pleaded guilty, on his first day in office.
Further evidence that there are white coats on the case is that 21 prosecutors supported by George Soros have been fired since 2022 and replaced with prosecutors who are “tough on crime,” according to a recent report.
Europeans are also taking action. Slovakia is the latest country to claim that “vaccines are an act of bioterrorism.”
In France, the government collapsed last week and the country is now in a state of waiting. According to French intelligence sources, France is now ruled by Jean-Michel de Rothschild, who presents himself to the world as Brigitte Macron. President Emmanuel Macron died two years ago and is now represented by an avatar. Sources add that this can be confirmed by looking at the ears. In any case, according to sources, Jean-Michel is in poor health, so the French regime is looking for a new leader. “The transition boat is already in dry dock, but will go to sea in February or March,” said a source close to Jean-Michel de Rothschild. According to the source, this was arranged by the wrong Trump, who visited France last week.
Parliamentary elections in Germany are also scheduled for February 27, so the country is also in limbo.
In the United Kingdom, the funeral of the British royal family last week was attended by most members of the royal family, with the exception of Kate Middleton (now played by an actress), Charles, and Camilla.
The head of MI6 stated that “after the assassination of the late Queen and her husband there was a serious division in the ranks” and that those responsible “will all be hanged”.
In a sign that the US military also supports replacing Prime Minister Keir Starmer, who was blackmailed by pedophiles, National Intelligence Agency spokesman Elon Musk is ready to give Nigel Farage $100 million to make him the next Prime Minister and cripple Keir Starmer.
Of course, regime change in the three largest countries in Europe also means the end of the EU as it stands. This means that the days of the supreme satanic authority and President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, are numbered. Here you can see Ewa Zajonczkowska-Hernik from Poland telling the witch Ursula exactly what we all think of her and her witchy plan.
But as events in Romania show, the struggle is not over yet. There is a power struggle there, as independent candidate Calin Georgescu was robbed of his election victory by Satanists.
"The corruption system in Romania has shown its true colors by making a pact with the devil," he claims.
A CIA source explains:
Romania is part of NATOs eastern flank and is at the forefront of the blocs efforts to threaten Russia. Romanias Black Sea coast is a convenient route for transporting weapons to Kiev. The border with Moldova allows NATO to threaten Transnistria, a breakaway Moldovan enclave located between Moldova and Ukraine that hosts a contingent of Russian peacekeepers.
The Mihail Kogalniceanu Air Base near Constanta is currently being expanded and is expected to become the largest NATO military base in Europe.
After Russias ultimatum to the West in Malta, however, it becomes clear that the fight for Romania is not over yet.
But the unrest is not limited to the Western Hemisphere. Profound changes are also taking place in East Asia. Japan’s puppet regime, which had been in power for most of the postwar period, lost elections in October, meaning the country is now in a state of lockdown until Trump sends a new US ambassador with new instructions.
South Korea has also undergone regime change. Local prosecutors have opened a criminal investigation into President Yun Suk-yeol after his failed attempt to impose martial law last week. His defense minister has already been arrested. South Korea’s current leaders are angry with the Biden regime for stalling their planned peaceful reunification with North Korea. That meeting is expected to take place now.
Taiwan, for its part, is likely to be invited to talks to form a new regime for a unified China, Asian intelligence sources say. Expect news on this issue after the Chinese New Year holiday ends on February 3.
As we wrap up this week, its worth noting that Russian President Lavrov told Tucker Carlson:
The five nuclear-armed states declared at the highest level in January 2022 that … a nuclear war can never be won and therefore nuclear war is impossible. We have this channel that is automatically activated when a ballistic missile is launched.
As for this Oreshnik medium-range hypersonic ballistic missile. The system delivered the message to the US in 30 minutes. They knew it was there and that they wouldnt mistake it for something bigger and truly dangerous.
This is a clear sign that HM will not be able to escape justice by causing Armageddon and hiding in underground bunkers. The mills of justice turn slowly, but they turn to dust.