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2021/09/16 15:38

《九月尾付款期限臨近 拜登向中國跪求資金》
中國告訴拜登說,「美國應該採取行動,尊重中國的基本利益,摒棄打壓中國的幻想。」習近平「呼籲華盛頓承擔起責任,引導兩國關係回到正確軌道。」另外「美國應該在糾正以前的錯誤行為和尊重中國的基本利益方面採取更多行動,不要一面指望與中國合作,而一面把中國當作對手。」當局還指出,「拜登政府在國內面臨着巨大的壓力」,所以它不能 「挑戰、誹謗甚至試圖顛覆中國特色社會主義的道路和制度。」
正如美國將軍米高·弗林(Michael Flynn)上週所說:「我們正處於人生的戰鬥之中。」他指出,「白宮裏沒有人」,談論「特朗普2024年競選」這樣的事是無稽之談,因為「在我們解決2020年的問題之前,不會有另一次公平的選舉。」弗林還指出,目前有一場針對美國人民的心理戰。他敦促愛國者應該站出來,同時指出,在革命戰爭期間,美國400萬人口中只有3%參與了戰鬥。
那麼,我們需要針對的敵人是誰?如往常一樣,鑑證線索指向瑞士和八角集團。這些人通過大約700名高級幹員,控制了90%的跨國公司。我們知道,「大重置」世界經濟論壇的克勞斯·施瓦布(Klaus Schwab/其老母乃羅斯柴爾德家族)並聽命於卡爾·哈布斯堡(Carl von Habsburg)。
我們還知道,與羅氏家族一起持有《經濟學人》的阿涅利兄弟(Agnelli brothers),向維托里奧·埃馬努埃萊(Vittorio Emanuele)復命。就是這些人控制着戴橡膠面具的羅馬教皇,他現在想讓所有人都接種會改變DNA的混合疫苗。,_Prince_of_Naples
這些人現在極力地保衛自己的權勢。這就是他們的僕人,聯合國秘書長安東尼奧·古特雷斯(Antonio Guterres/記得沒有人選他),上週發出了可怕的警告,說世界面臨着「一個關鍵時刻」的原因。古特雷斯警告說,「陰謀論和謊言(Orwellian speak for truth)加劇了社會內部的深刻分歧。」他呼籲由緊急工作組立即實施全球種苗計劃,「現在就投資500億美元進行種苗」,並「加強數字技術的全球治理(即審查點)。」古特雷斯還透露,他的主子控制着20國集團、聯合國經濟、社會理事會以及包括國際貨幣基金組織和世界銀行在內國際金融機構的負責人。
在英國,衛生部長薩吉德·賈維德(Sajid Javid)表示,不會推出新冠疫苗護照,他預計該國不會出現更多的封鎖。
在日本,酒吧和餐館公開違抗政府的命令,不提供酒精,並在晚上8點收檔。日本黑幫收到了關於假政府如何試圖用污染的摩登那疫苗殺害自己人民的詳細信息,並承諾對其採取行動。右翼份子承諾,用不了多久,像大衛·阿特金森、米高·格林伯格、庫爾特·坎貝爾(David Atkinson, Michael Greenberg, Kurt Campbell)和他們這類人的可薩暴徒代表將滾出日本。
為了阻止發動三戰,我們不斷警告亞洲長老,伊朗領導層與以色列領導層都聽命於一人。魯哈尼(Rouhani)總統和莫哈默·扎里夫(Mohammad Javad Zarif)外長是在羅氏的智庫組織查塔姆(Chatham/英國皇家國際事務研究所)和皇家國際事務研究所的授意下賣命的髒鼠。
魯哈尼在蘇格蘭呆了6年,獲得了伊斯蘭教法的博士學位,並與傑克·斯特勞(Jack Straw)和利維勳爵(Lord Levy)混在一塊,比羅氏低一個等級。扎里夫在美國呆了20年,與全球主義者約翰·克里(John Kerry)關係非比尋常。據說,伊朗議會(33個窗口的金字塔)有一半人擁有美國綠卡。
在本篇結束時,我們想與自稱是電影導演奧利弗·斯通(Oliver Stone)之子的肖恩·斯通(Sean Stone)分享以下關於羅拔·斯蒂爾(Robert David Steele)之死的交流:對羅拔之死的調查顯示,他是被注射謀殺的,因為他正在調查他30萬美元的資金被挪用。「你已作為一個相關人員出現了。你對這一切了解多少?」
這是他的回答:「你是和戈登·達夫(Gordon Duff)一起工作嗎?如果是的話,請他讓傑克·哈特(Jack Heart)聯繫我,因為我想和他談談他的工作...」
如果有人把我牽扯進一起謀殺案,我肯定會做出回應。請記住,奧利弗拍了一部電影,聲稱幾乎所有人都參與了暗殺甘廼迪的行動,但當文件公佈顯示以色列總統大衛·古里安(David Ben Gurion)下令進行暗殺時,他卻什麼也沒說,這證明他是受控的陰謀派。總之,夠了,大夥,談判時刻已結束,我們在戰爭中。意味要麼殺人,要麼被殺。
【原文】September 13, 2021 Benjamin Fulford Weekly Reports
Fake Biden Regime Begs China for Money as 9/30 Payments Deadline Looms
The fake U.S. regime of the rubber-masked impostor “President” Joe Biden is in serious trouble.  They face a September 30th payments deadline they cannot meet.  Since there is a two-week grace period after the U.S. Corporation defaults, this means a repeat of the February 16th, 2020 market implosion is due on or around October 14th.  That is why U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen is publicly warning the U.S. will default on its national debt in October, MI6 sources say.
This is also why “Biden,” called Chinese President Xi Jinping last week.  When he failed to get promises for new funding, his boss, Angela Hitler called and was also told the money would only come if she vowed total obedience to China, Asian Secret Society sources say.  Here is how China’s official Global Times mouthpiece bragged about the conversation:
“The first phone conversation between the two leaders in seven months amid escalating tensions…which took place at the U.S.’ request, highlighted Washington’s growing anxiety and need for China’s cooperation on key global issues.”
China told “Biden,” the “U.S. should take actions to respect China’s basic interests, discard illusions of suppressing China,” and Xi Jinping “called on Washington to shoulder responsibilities to direct the ties back on the right track,” plus “the U.S. should take more action in correcting previous wrong deeds and respecting China’s basic interests, and not expecting China to cooperate while keeping it as an adversary.”  It also noted “the Biden administration is facing huge pressure domestically” so it must not “challenge, slander or even attempt to subvert the path and system of socialism with Chinese characteristics.”
The Global Times further noted that “Hours after the Xi-Biden call, Xi also spoke to German Chancellor Angela Merkel” and ordered her “to urge the EU to adhere to the right policies on China.”
The “White House” responded by issuing the following veiled threat:
“The two leaders discussed the responsibility of both nations to ensure competition does not veer into conflict.”
China later responded by suggesting recognizing terrorism as a transnational threat and “a common enemy of mankind.”
The White Dragon Society, for its part, is negotiating an alternative to the “Biden” regime with the Asian Dragon family that uses the Xi Jinping avatar. The proposal being discussed calls for ending “terrorism” by pulling the plug and letting the entire fake U.S. regime implode. The talks will continue this week after Dragon family negotiators consult with their elders over the next move, dragon family and WDS sources say.
In any case, patriots in the West need to realize it is vital to overthrow the Khazarian Mafia before they sell the Western people into Chinese slavery.
As U.S. General Michael Flynn said last week, “We are in the fight of our lives.”  He notes “there is nobody in the White House,” and talk of things like “Donald Trump in 2024” is nonsense since “there will not be another fair election until we get the 2020 one resolved.”  Flynn also noted there is an ongoing psy-ops against the American people. He urged patriots to come forth while noting that during the revolutionary wars only 3% of the U.S. population of 4 million fought.
We have a critical mass in the U.S. military, the intelligence agencies, the militias, etc. to fight a new revolutionary war.  To win means identifying the real enemy.  First of all, let’s look at the actions of President Donald Trump and consider if the cavalry is still coming. Die-hard Trumpers need to ask why he turned down the U.S. military when they offered him a chance to overturn the 2020 election theft.  Second of all, they need to explain why he is calling for everybody to be vaccinated even though, as Flynn notes, with a “99.5% recovery rate why are we going through this madness.”  Remember vaccine pusher Trump also failed to reveal the truth about 9.11.  In other words, U.S. patriots need to rally behind Flynn and not Trump.
So, who is the enemy we need to target?  The forensic trail, as usual, points to Switzerland and the Octagon group.  These people, through about 700 high-level operatives, control 90% of transnational corporations.  We know that Klaus Schwab (whose mother was a Rothschild) of the “Great Reset” World Economic Forum reports to Carl von Habsburg.
We also know the Agnelli brothers, who own the Economist together with the Rothschilds, report to Vittorio Emanuele.  These are the people who control the rubber masked replacement of Pope Francis who now wants all humans to be vaccinated with DNA altering concoctions.,_Prince_of_Naples
We also know that Biden’s boss Angela Hitler of Germany is another member of the Octagon group (the real-life Spectre of James Bond fame) politburo.
These people are pulling out all the stops now to stay in power.  That’s why their servant, U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres (remember nobody elected him), last week issued a dire warning that the world faces “a pivotal moment.”  Guterres warns “conspiracy theories and lies [Orwellian speak for truth] fuel deep divisions within societies.”  He calls for an immediate global vaccination plan implemented by an emergency task force to invest “$50 billion in vaccinations now” and “to strengthen global governance of digital technology [i.e. censorshop].”  Guterres also reveals his masters control the G20, the U.N.’s Economic and Social Council and the heads of international financial institutions including the International Monetary Fund and World Bank.
In a sign of just what bold-faced hypocrites these people are he also proposed “global action to“tackle disinformation and conspiracy theories and to promote facts, science, and integrity in public discourse.”  OK Gutterface, why not start by providing scientific evidence SARS-Cov-2 and Covid-19 really exist, something nobody has done yet: as proven by multiple court rulings.
Anyway, if you are a patriot and want to protect people, shoot anyone promoting DNA altering vaccines for this fake pandemic.
We find that a mass revolt against the pandemic and the vaccine criminals is underway in all Western countries. Look at the huge crowds at soccer games chanting Fuck Joe Biden in unison.
Other false leaders, such as Justin Castro of Canada and Emanuelle Macron of France, cannot show themselves in public for fear of being ridiculed or even hanged on the spot. There are also trucker strikes in the UK, Australia, the US and elsewhere to force regime change.
In the UK, Health Minister Sajid Javid says the Covid vaccine passports will not be introduced and that he does not expect the country to see more lockdowns.
Several court cases against the fake pandemic and vaccine pushers are also beginning to show results. For example, a Berlin court ruled in favor of a nightclub that had filed a lawsuit against the city’s ban on dancing, forcing the Berlin Senate to reopen the clubs. The New York Times tried to portray this as applying only to the vaccinated, but that was an outright lie.
Even more dramatically, German prosecutors raided both the Justice and Finance Ministries for money laundering. This is a sign that the postwar occupation of Germany will soon end, German patriots promise.
In Japan, bars and restaurants are openly defying government orders not to serve alcohol and to close at 8pm. Japanese gangsters have received detailed information about how their fake government has tried to kill their own people with contaminated Moderna vaccines and have promised to take action against it. It won’t be long before representatives of the Khazarian mafia like David Atkinson, Michael Greenberg, Kurt Campbell and their ilk will be forced to leave the country, the Japanese right-wingers promise.
There are also signs that the Khazarian rats are trying to jump ship. This was evident when the long-deceased George Soros (a Rothschild representative) denounced the move of BlackRock funds to China as a tragic mistake that would harm the national security interests of the U.S. and other democracies.
A BlackRock spokesman responded to Soros’ remarks by telling CNBC that the United States and China have a large and complex economic relationship, adding that total trade in goods and services between the two countries exceeded $600 billion in 2020.
The Chinese government newspaper Global Times then called Soros a global economic terrorist. Since the Chinese call terrorism the enemy of all people, one can guess what will happen next.
MI6 says, They’re all busted and fighting among themselves, adding, The Rothschilds are common dirt, and that’s known all over the world. Of course, these criminals have no intention of going quietly into the night. They are trying to create a food shortage, instigate a war with Iran, and do God knows what else to stay in power.
To stop the attempts to start World War III, we keep warning the Asian elders that the Iranian leadership is working for the same people as the Israeli leadership. President Rouhani and Foreign Minister Zarif are rats working at the behest of the Rothschild-Chatham House boys and the Royal Institute of International Affairs.
Rouhani spent 6 years in Scotland getting his PhD in Sharia law (of all things) and hung out with Jack Straw and Lord Levy, one step below Rothschild. Zarif spent 20 years in America and was very close to globalist John Kerry. It is said that half of Iran’s parliament (the pyramid with 33 windows) has a U.S. green card.
It also looks increasingly likely that the KM will shut down the Internet in a vain attempt to stop the ongoing global awakening. Thats why they’re talking about a century superstorm that could cripple the Internet.
To close out this week, we would like to share the following exchange with Sean Stone, self-proclaimed son of film director Oliver Stone, about the death of Robert David Steele: The investigation into the death of RDS revealed that he was murdered by injection because he was investigating the embezzlement of $300,000 of his funds. You have emerged as a person of interest. What do you know about all this?
This was his non-answer: Are you working with Gordon Duff? If so, ask him to have Jack Heart contact me, as I would like to talk to him about his work…
If someone were to implicate me in a murder, you can be sure I would respond. Remember that Oliver Stone proved to be controlled opposition when he made a film claiming that almost everyone was involved in the assassination of President John F. Kenney, yet said nothing when documents were released showing that Israeli President David Ben Gurion had ordered the assassination. In conclusion, enough is enough folks, the time for talking is long past, we are at war. That means kill or be killed.
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