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Bible in a Year: Jeremiah 34-36Hebrews 2
在比賽的最後兩秒鐘,美國德州農工大學橄欖球隊的射門員塞斯.斯莫爾(Seth Small)上場,全場近107,000名觀眾翹首以待。當時,農工大學的球隊對上全國最強的隊伍,與這支稱霸球場的常勝軍打成38比38,若能成功射門得分,就能取得顛覆性的勝利。只見斯莫爾神情鎮定,站好位置準備踢球。當球飛過人牆進入球門時,全場頓時歡聲雷動,為這致勝的一球興奮不已。
Courage from the Shepherd
The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing.
The nearly 107,000 people in the stadium stood in anticipation as Texas A&M college football kicker Seth Small took the field with only two seconds left in the game. With A&M tied 38-38 against the best team in the country—a perennial football powerhouse—a successful field goal would seal an epic upset victory. Looking calm, Small lined up to take the kick. The stadium erupted in pandemonium after the ball sailed through the uprights for the winning score.
When questioned by reporters how he prepared for such an intense moment, Small said he kept repeating to himself the first verse of Psalm 23, “The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing.” When Small needed strength and reassurance, he drew on the deeply personal metaphor of God as a shepherd.
Psalm 23 is a beloved psalm because it assures us that we can be at peace, or comforted, because we have a loving and trustworthy shepherd who actively cares for us. David testified both to the reality of fear in intense or difficult situations as well as the comfort God provides (v. 4). The word translated “comfort” conveys assurance, or the confidence and courage to keep going because of His guiding presence.
When walking into challenging circumstances—not knowing what the outcome will be—we can take courage as we repeat the gentle reminder that the Good Shepherd walks with us.
Reflect & Pray
How have you experienced God as a loving shepherd? How did His trustworthy care give you courage?
Heavenly Father, please help me to take courage knowing that You’re my loving Shepherd.
Gain wisdom and leadership skills from our loving Shepherd.
14. 和合本有聲聖經
htt ps://www.biblegateway.com/resources/audio/ (英文)
15. https://ourdailydevotional24.com/24th-october-2021-our-daily-bread-devotional-talk-trust-feel