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Bible in a Year:Proverbs 16-182 Corinthians 6
在維多利亞時期,英國工廠的環境惡劣,工人的死亡率高而且一貧如洗。企業家喬治.吉百利(George Cadbury)認為住在貧民窟的工人,根本無法擁有理想,因此他為自己蓬勃發展的巧克力事業建造一種新型的工廠,讓他的工人受益。
Kingdom-Shaped Workplace
Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
The factories of Victorian England were dark places. Fatalities were high, and workers often lived in poverty. “How can the working man cultivate ideals,” George Cadbury asked, “when his home is a slum?” And so he built a new kind of factory for his expanding chocolate business, one that benefited his workers.
The result was Bournville, a village of more than three hundred homes with sports fields, playgrounds, schools, and churches for Cadbury’s workers and their families. They were paid good wages and offered medical care, all because of Cadbury’s faith in Christ.
Jesus teaches us to pray for God’s will to be done “on earth as it is in heaven” (Matthew 6:10). This prayer can help us imagine, as Cadbury did, what our workplaces would be like under God’s rule, where our “daily bread” is earned and our “debtors” forgiven (vv. 11-12). As employees, it means working with “all your heart . . . for the Lord” (Colossians 3:23). As employers, it means giving staff what’s “right and fair” (4:1). Whatever our role, whether paid or voluntary, it means tending to the well-being of those we serve with.
Like George Cadbury, let’s imagine how things could be different if God were in charge of our neighborhoods and workplaces. Because when He is, people flourish.
Reflect & Pray
What would your workplace or neighborhood look like under God’s rule? How could you pray and work toward this vision?
Loving God, please help me to see what my workplace or neighborhood would look like under Your rule, and empower me to bring change where I can.
14. 和合本有聲聖經
htt ps://www.biblegateway.com/resources/audio/ (英文)
15. https://ourdailydevotional24.com/24th-october-2021-our-daily-bread-devotional-talk-trust-feel
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