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Bible in a Year:Job 17-19Acts 10:1-23
What Is That to You?
What is that to you? You must follow me.
“Why do I get a strawberry lollipop when she has grape?” my six-year-old niece asked. My nieces and nephew taught me early on that children often compare what they’re given with what others receive. This means that as the doting aunt, I’d better exercise good judgment!
I too sometimes compare the things God gives me with those He’s given others. “Why do I have this, and she has that?” I ask God. My question reminds me of what Simon Peter asked Jesus by the Sea of Galilee. Jesus had just given restoration and forgiveness to Peter for his previous denial of Him and was now telling him that he’d glorify God by dying a martyr’s death (John 21:15-19). Instead of answering yes to Jesus’ invitation to follow Him, however, Peter asked, “Lord, what about [John]?” (v. 21).
Jesus answered, “What is that to you?” and added, “You must follow me” (v. 22). I believe Jesus would say the same to us. When He’s already given us direction in an area in our life, He desires our trust. We’re not to compare our path with that of others, but we’re to simply follow Him.
For more than thirty years, the apostle Peter followed God as a courageous leader of the early church. Historical records also show that he fearlessly embraced death under the evil Emperor Nero. May we too be steadfast and unquestioning in following God, trusting His love and direction.
Reflect & Pray
When have you compared your situation with that of others? In what practical ways can you follow God?
Dear Jesus, please help me to trust and follow You.
9. 廣播連結
What Is That to You? | Our Daily Bread (odb.org)
與你何干? | 靈命日糧 (traditional-odb.org)
10 .中英翻譯
14. 和合本有聲聖經
htt ps://www.biblegateway.com/resources/audio/ (英文)
15. https://ourdailydevotional24.com/24th-october-2021-our-daily-bread-devotional-talk-trust-feel